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What we’ve learned over 10 years in Legal Design: an Australian studio’s experience

Simon Goodrich, Luke Thomas and Emily MacLoud

Couple Council

Karol Valencia

“Seguras en línea”

Camila Andrade Dangond

“Recht ohne Streit”

Sebastian Greger

Call for Submissions!

Submit your Legal Design story now.

Issue 2 (1)

  • Call for submissions start: 1 January 2025
  • Deadline for submissions: 28 February 2025
  • Decisions and feedback: late May 2025

Issue 2 (2)

  • Call for submissions start: 1 August 2025
  • Deadline for submissions: 26 September 2025
  • Decisions and feedback: early December2025
More Information

Do you want to share your Legal Design Story with the world?

Everyone can submit a use case for review by our expert team.
Here’s how.

How does it work?

We are looking for different kinds of use cases out of different phases of a legal design process.

This part of the Journal will showcase the best work and developments in legal design. This can be in the form of text, digital artifacts, reports, visualisations or any other media that we can distribute in a digital journal format. Text submissions can be between 1,000 and 5,000 words and are reviewed by our Studio editorial team.

What kind of practical use cases can I submit?

We are looking for Prototypes or implemented solutions of legal design use cases.
Your submission should consist the following:
  • Challenge: Describe the problem you had to solve
  • Approach: Describe the selected design process and phases you went through in order to solve the challenge. Please insert also a section of the impact that your concept will bring or brought.
  • Solution: Show us the solution you developed. Not only with words but with images.

Make sure you do have permission and the rights to share your project an materials (such as images and use case stories etc.)

Why is there a review process?

Our goal is to show high quality legal design cases for others to learn from.

How does the review process look like and how do we select use cases for publication ?

We are looking for Prototypes or implemented solutions that will be reviewed by the following criteria:
  • Aesthetics
  • Depth of concept (Why, What, How)
  • Process steps you selected
  • Impact

Do you want to share your Legal Design Story with the world?

Why publish with us?


The editorial teams are comprised of many of the leading legal design academics and practitioners from around the world.

Diamond open access

We are a diamond open-access journal, digital and completely free to readers, authors and their institutions. We charge no processing fees for authors or institutions. The journal uses a Creative Commons BY 4.0 licence.

Rigour and quality

We are using double blind peer review for Articles and editorial review for the Studio. Articles are hosted on Scholastica which is optimised for search and integration with academic indices, Google Scholar etc.

Your Studio Editorial Collective

Do you want to see more use cases ? Take a look at the  websites of some of our Studio editorial team.

Dan Jackson

Executive Director,

Astrid Kohlmeier

AK | Let’s do legal design!
Use Cases

Marco Imperiale

Founder and Managing Director,
Better Ipsum

Marie Potel-Saville

Founder & CEO,
FairPatterns and Amurabi
Use Cases

Lieke Beelen

Founder & CEO,
Visual Contracts
Use Cases

Ready to submit?